This article is about Mr. Horie.
Posted on | April 18, 2013
In those days near my home, there was an amount of water. I remember it was around 94 when I met Mr. Horie for the first time at Nagoya Tenkara Summit. He was an interesting person. He had a ve[…..]
Posted on | January 7, 2013
Happy New Year to all Tenkara fans and their families around the globe! The New Year in Japan is called “Shōgatsu” and it is an annual festival with its own customs. The Japanese New Year has b[…..]
Mountain hills had transformed their colors
Posted on | November 25, 2012
This Iwana is a good 11 incher! We visited “Home” once again to check on Iwana “coupling” progress a few weekends ago. There were many of them. It appeared the following week would be when the […..]
Beauty of the Pair
Posted on | November 8, 2012
Ever since I started Tenkara, watching the native trout of Japan paring up to spawn has been a very important annual event. After the season closes in September or October here, I drive the dis[…..]