Japanese Fishing Exhibition
Posted on | February 14, 2015
2015 Fishing Exhibition was held on Feb. 7th and 8th in Osaka, the capital of West Japan. Similar one just took place in Yokohama, one of the major cities in the east. Other than these major fishing s[…..]
Big Bonenkai”forget-the-year party”
Posted on | December 5, 2013
In December in Japan, “Bonenkai” or forget-the-year party is thrown for coworkers and close friends. It is the traditional event intended to forget the passing year and welcome the coming year. Invite[…..]
Team Oni “Bōnen-kai” (Year’s End Gathering)
Posted on | December 30, 2012
Some great scenery A Japanese persimmon tree quietly sits on hillside In Japan, most people are busy attending a “Bōnenkai” with their friends, co-workers, business clients, and etc. to rememb[…..]
Iwana Spawn Watching Event Report: Itoshiro River Day 2
Posted on | December 4, 2012
It’s ”kanpai” time! The second night we all stayed together at a lodge and enjoyed “sukiyaki” with Hida beef. Hida is a mountainous region close to Itoshiro and also known for their tender and exquisi[…..]
Iwana Spawn Watching Event Report: Itoshiro River Day 1
Posted on | November 29, 2012
Itoshiro, a small village located in the Gifu prefecture of central Japan is a popular destinationfor mountain stream fishing fans from all over Japan during the season. Ishigaki sensei organized an e[…..]